Reducing Accidents on your Farm

With 33 fatal accidents in 2017-2018 farming remains one of the most dangerous occupations in the UK.

That’s increase from last year of 3. Three more lives lost.

The HSE have recently released the fatal accident figures for 2017-2018. Take a moment to download and read the Summary of Fatal Injuries .

It makes for sobering reading.

Health and Safety in Farming’s aim is to help you reduce accidents and injuries on your farm by providing information, articles, news and help that will assist in assessing the risks and taking steps to reduce the chances of accidents happening.

There are numerous sources of health and safety advice on the internet but often as individual articles and documents lost amongst all the other good farming related information out there.

By pulling that information together into one place Health and Safety in Farming aims to provide a destination to go to when looking to improve the safety on your farm.

If there are topics that you would like to see covered then get in touch.