BBC’s Countryfile with Al Murray

As a lead in to Farm Safety Week the BBC showed a great segment on Sundays Countryfile (23rd July) that included a couple of interview with people affected by farming accidents.  This included comedian Al Murray who, as a child, helped a young worker on his cousin’s farm who had been pulled into a round baler, and a farmer who had an accident on his farm quad but was carrying a loaded shotgun at the time! Worth a watch. Also featured on the NFU’s website here

That was close!

Have you ever had something fall and just miss you? Or driven round the corner of a building and nearly hit something coming the other way? Or even cut you hand and were lucky that you didn’t loose a finger!

What did you do next (other than get a plaster for the cut!)?

Did you:

  1. Carry on as if nothing happened, or
  2. Stop, consider what might have happened, and took steps to prevent it from happening again?

I hope the answer was #2.